Everyday, the vast majority of human beings on planet Earth carry something!
Whether it’s the washing, logs for the fire, a pot filled with dirt, the shopping, the chances are carrying things doesn’t get the joy factor up in most people.
But what if the action of carrying weight could be redirected into the increasing and improving your body’s vitality, strength and energy levels?
Would that not change the tedious into a wonderful gift?
You see in our younger years, most people are taught that when we carry things, our focus should be on our muscle.
So we quite literally breathe in the background with our muscle being in front.
Unfortunately if you’re over the age 40 (if not 30 in some cases), this belief our breath is secondary to our muscle actually works to our detriment.
Simply because our body’s are governed by two major wheels over the course of our life.
When you’re a kid your body is expanding.
Using your breath to strengthen your muscle makes sense because physically you’re not shrinking.
When we’re in our younger years, the Wheels of Expansion have more traction than the Wheels of Contraction.
But once you reach that age (which is different for all of us), just like the waxing and waning of the tides and the seasons the Wheels of Contraction gain more traction as we age.
And as the Wheels of Contraction gain momentum so too does our lung capacity and body flexibility decrease.
No, but you have to practice thinking differently!
Because the truth is for every law there’s an overriding law.
And the highest law that gives your body life is the Law of Respiration.
It’s your breath that gives you life, not your muscle.
Every time you carry something, use the weight of whatever it is you’re carrying to focus on your breath.
Use physicality to help hone your aerobic expansion & connection.
Or to put it a different way…
Yes, these are heavy logs i’m carrying and YES THIS IS AN EDITED VERSION.
The full length video with all the Triangles of Force i utilised, and the full spectrum of TriBreath breathing rhythms (the 3-STEP, 5-STEP & 7-STEP) and the Breathing Centres of your Spine & Body and how to use them is in the Members Area.
In the beginning obviously start with objects of a comfortable weight and focus on pulling your breath up your spine on your IN-breath’s and out the front on your OUT-breath’s.
Start softly and proceed with no rush to get anywhere. As with all the Tribreath movements, we embrace feeling first… then work in the tenth’s of millimetres to expand outwardly on the physical level.
It doesn’t matter what breathing rhythm your using, be it the 3-STEP, 5-STEP or 7-STEP.
All of the TriBreath breathing rhythms by design can help you use the weight to draw more air in!
Draw you breath up and down your body using the breathing centres.
On your OUT-breath in particular, feel the foot that’s landing on the earth.
See the light traveling through your body’s nervous system from your brain down to whatever sole-of-your-foot it is.
Earth yourself, ENERGISE UP!
Get into it 🙂
If you have any questions, let me know!
Wishing you all the best,
Brett Hayes
TriBreath Coach
This is my guarantee to you. If within 30 days of your TriBreath Membership purchase, if you can honestly say you put the effort in to time your body up to your breath, and you don’t feel more connected and more in control of your breath and your body, if you ask for a refund, it will be given!
Inside the TriBreath™ Members Teaching Portal, there you’ll find an ever updated library of video’s to help…
Click on the links below to view videos