Access Your Body’s True Potential!

TriBreath™ is an online Membership Program that focuses on your respiratory fitness, muscle tone, neural connection & balance.

With a growing catalogue of over 80 video’s teaching you specific breathing, mind & structural techniques, feel your body lift every time you walk, run, push, pull, exercise etc.,.

Using the TriBreath™ techniques you’ll improve & restore lung capacity and promote the equal distribution of the forces-of-impact your body experiences every time you take a step.

This equal distribution of impact can dramatically help relieve & remove unnecessary stress placed on your bones, joints and supporting ligaments.

And that means a whole lot less pain when you walk and run!

Combined with TriBreath™ movements that focus on the correct alignment of your skeletal frame and balance, regenerating even the most broken body becomes possible.

Best of all, you can benefit from the TriBreath™ techniques every time you walk or run, exercise in the gym, paddle, work, garden anywhere, anytime!

No matter what your age, if you’re looking for improvements in the way you move, then TriBreath™ is for you!

Benefits of TriBreath™

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a professional athlete or you just love to go for a walk (or other forms of exercise that require the two sides of your body working in opposition to each other to create momentum), only benefit will be received by implementing the TriBreath™ techniques into your practice?

When you use the TriBreath™ breathing rhythm’s with the variety of TriBreath™ movements as you’re out walking, toned muscle, an elongated spine & strengthened breath is going to be yours for the receiving!

TriBreath™ tuning you up!

You can think about TriBreath™ this way!
When an engines electrical system, fuel system and aeration systems are all tuned & timed up and working as one, when you put the foot on the pedal you’re going to know about it.

Same thing with your body!

When your arms, legs, lungs and nervous system are all firing and working in unison, your body pumps!
And once you know how to tune your body up, it’s all systems go from there and it only gets better!

Improved Posture

Moving with an upright posture frees up your rib cage allowing you deeper fuller breaths. Slow down the shrinking of your body by using your breath as a 'Body Lifting Tool'.

Less Injuries

Balancing the forces placed on your left and right hand sides when you move minimises the physical impact placed on specific joints and muscles thereby promoting mobility.

Strength & Muscle Tone

Each TriBreath movement activates different muscle groups into a cohesive whole. With every breath and muscle response, expansion is felt from the core of the tissue itself.

TriBreath™ Body Sculpting Movements

At this time there are over 80 video’s included in the TriBreath™ program.

Once you’re familiar with the TriBreath™ techniques and how to synchronise the action of your arms & legs up to each individual movement & your chosen breathing rhythm, you create a sequence of movements to give you your own unique workout session.

As your fitness, lung capacity & physical strength progresses, you can add more movements into your practice.

Best of all, as gym equipment is not a requirement, most if not all of your fitness goals can be achieved when you’re out walking.

You can use the TriBreath™ techniques when you’re at the gym, in your lounge room or office area and get excellent results.

Start learning TriBreath™!

Get FREE Access to the TriBreath Beginner Series and start strengthening your Breath, Body & Mind Connections up to another level today!

Who is it for?

We’d like to say everyone – well anyone who breathes, walks, runs, rides a bike, pushes a pram.

The low impact nature of TriBreath™ makes it accessible to most people. But it is particularly good for those of us who want better muscle tone, fitness and respiratory strength without burdening their body with unnecessary impact, stress and excessive demands.

Using TriBreath™ whe™ you exercise, sure there’s the improved performance and balanced movement between the left and right sides of the body, but there’s more.

There’s a breath, body and mind connection that changes the way you think about movement.  Some people call it a ‘heightened awareness’.  Discover more by selecting an activity below.

All Ages

Breathing is the most vital requirement to our livingness no matter what our age. Oxygen is our life force. Yet how many of us can say we were taught from a young age that there are specific breathing methods that not only improve the way you move, but the way you feel? If you’re not feeling vitalised, this may be worth considering. Lung capacity diminishes as we age and global atmospheric oxygen levels are plummeting. It’s not great news making it al the more reason to focus on your breath now. TriBreath™… just you, your body and your breath.


The human nervous system branches out to both the left and right hand sides of the body to the furthest extremities. If one side of your body is damaged, the other side of your body will carry the weight of your body as best it can. Using TriBreath™, you can alternate how this “resistance is being distributed” on both the physical and mental levels, helping reduce the time spent being in tension & quickening the rehabilitation process.


Look at the actions required for most sports and you’ll find one side of the body is predominantly used. Tennis, golf, football, even darts is mainly one sided hence injuries caused by repetition and the over stimulation of one side are common. Using TriBreath™, as you become aware of where the forces of gravity and impact are being felt by your body, using your breath as the pendulum and your arms for velocity, you synchronise both your left and right hand sides up thereby promoting greater body balance.


Enjoying life and experiencing that which attracts you is always a good reason to get out and see more. Yet all too often as we age, what pleasures we could have experienced can sometimes be subdued by mobility issues. Yet what if the road to regeneration was just around the corner? And best of all, what if all the tools you require to walk this road of regeneration you already have? Well the good news is the road to regeneration “is” just around the corner.


Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, we all know it’s all about performance. How you perform matters! With that said, how your body performs is dependent upon whether or not your body is in an oxygenated, hydrated and nourished state. It’s whether or not you can get the breath in that makes all the difference between you having a good game, and you playing a game where you performed brilliantly. TriBreath™… just you, your body and your breath.

6 Good Reasons why TriBreath is for You


TriBreath™ is both simple and expansive… It’s just you, your body and your breath. As each breathing rhythm relates differently with each movement, once you find your connection, positive results can be felt and seen on so many levels.


Everything you need to get the best out TriBreath™ you already have. Gym equipment and extra props are not a requirement for you to get good results. Yet with that said, using TriBreath™ in the gym will definitely change the way you train!


Connecting with your body right down to your nervous system and its potential is empowering. And if one thing is needed to help fuel your fitness and/or weight loss goals, it’s power. With a fuller breath and TriBreath™, more is possible!


TriBreath™ helps lifts your body up from the base of your spine up. It changes how we move. In its own way, each of the TriBreath movements promotes this up-liftment which as a direct result minimises unnecessary compression upon the joints.


As TriBreath™ is already present within all of us. Once you’re familiar with how to integrate your breath into your body’s movement, in any given situation you can draw on TriBreath™ to help. If you can remember, it’s yours for life.


TriBreath™ can be applied to a huge variety of activities be it walking, hiking, running, cycling, surfing, gym workouts and even in rehabilitation of physical injuries and structural challenges. It’s all about integration, connection and your breath!

“There’s no doubt professional athletes will have a big bonus from TriBreath, but I also think it’s about Mum and Dad as well, Grandpa and Grandma and the kids, I think it’s got benefits for everybody.”

Pat Cash
Wimbledon Champion


“Good nutrition, correct breathing, correct movement and posture are the foundations of good health. TriBreath provides us with a remarkable recipe for improving vitality, strength and balance. I have achieved a level of performance and feeling of wellbeing well beyond my expectations.”

Dr Karen Coates

“I’m able to do three times as much physical activity without losing my breath which is amazing for someone who has been fitness-conscious for many decades.”

Brian Tabone

“Many years ago Brett Hayes taught me this method of balanced breathing and it became quite natural for me. TriBreath helps me move differently, using the breath to re-focus… and the difference is amazing.”

Robby Horley

Become a TriBreath™ Member Today

With regularly updated content and information on all that TriBreath™ offers, you can be assured, that as far as traveling partners are concerned as you walk the path of life, TriBreath™ is one of the best.


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