Where to breathe?
Many have asked when using the TriBreath breathing rhythms if it’s best to breathe IN through the nose and or IN through the mouth.
My answer is IN through the nose.
What about the OUT-breath, the exhalation?
i would say depending on the circumstances, particularly when you first start practicing the TriBreath rhythms to breathe OUT through your mouth.
The diameter of the throat and mouth far exceeds the combined diameter of the nasal passages.
The bigger the passage the easier it is to move stuff through.
So breathe IN through your nose and OUT through your mouth.
But as your lung function improves, work towards IN & OUT through the nose.
Purely nasal breathing.
Many times have i sprinted using the 7-Step and purely nasal breathing and all i can say when gazelle mode kicks in it’s euphoric feeling.
It’s a powerful yet light feeling that i hope all who practice the TriBreath™ techniques gets to experience in their own way some day.
But many of us struggle to breath IN deep lung filling breaths through the nose for various reasons.
If you’re looking for greater respiratory response and digestive function for that matter, here’s a simple way to help restore and strengthen your practice of nasal breathing that is both cheap and readily accessible.
Inside the TriBreath™ Members Teaching Portal, there you’ll find an ever updated library of video’s to help…
Click on the links below to view videos