Wall Work30 August 2021 Replay

It’s hard to deny the collapse of the human body occurs over the years in small indefinable segments.

A little bit here, a little bit there!

Until one day… Oh!

Below is a summary of what i went through on the night.

  1. Recognising the 1st of your major triangles of force (the earthing/grounding points of your feet).
  2. Lining up your pelvis, legs and feet.
  3. Recognising the 2nd major triangle of force (sit bones/pubic bone).
  4. Lining up your jaw bone (temporomandibular joint).
  5. Recognising the 3rd major triangle of force (your tongue and mastoid process/the Gates of Consciousness).
  6. Connecting your eyes up to the TriBreath 3-Step Breathing rhythm.
  7. Visualising and mentally connecting yourself to the stabilising muscles that support the structure of your spine.
  8. How to align your breath up to breathing centres of your spine using the TriBreath 7-Step breathing rhythm.
  9. Creating an energetic connection to your armpits to allow the expansion of your rib-cage.
  10. Tips and mental direction to expand and build up your mind/body connection.


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