Revolutionise the Way You Breathe
Transform the Way You Move

Day 1 -TriBreath Beginner Series


Congratulations for embarking on this TriBreath journey.

Let it be known, that if you embrace and practice what i’m going to teach you, you’re going to access and create a greater relationship & potency within your body that most people don’t even know exists! 

Now first and foremost, let me begin by saying TriBreath is in no way new.  TriBreath is not just a new fad!  In fact TriBreath is as ancient as the human body is and has been there from the beginning.

i believe that the only reason TriBreath isn’t actively taught in schools and isn’t known as the yoga’s are and have been recognised for hundreds if not thousands of years is because of technology!  You see what i have been blessed to see, recognise and embrace over many years of both study and observation, is what i call “the owners manual”.  And the only reason i can see the owners manual is because technology gave me anatomical charts!

A quick explanation

Imagine taking yourself back one hundred years and asking the man or woman on the street (or farm), “Where’s your liver?  Where do your lungs sit?  What’s the bicep?  Where’s your nervous system?”

i reckon 99.9% of people in that day of age would have no idea.  How could they unless they’ve seen pictures of human anatomy!  Unless you were a medical surgeon (and even in those day’s we didn’t know that much) you wouldn’t know; let alone have a “vision” in your head of what the organs and nervous system look like.  But we do now! 

And this is the reason why i believe humanity is now ready for TriBreath! 

TriBreath… the most ancient way of lighting, lifting and vitalising your body using your breath & mind in a particular way.  When you’re aware of your breath’s potential using rhythmic breathing and specific mind techniques, things change!

The Human Engine

i believe the human body works on the same principle as an internal combustion engine that is designed in a “V” configuration.  You may be familiar with terms such as V6 and V8 when talking about cars, or more to the point the car’s engine.  What the “V” is referring to is the way the engines pistons are configured.  In a V2, V4, V6, V8 – V12 engine, the pistons sit side-to-side.  There’s a piston or a bank of pistons that sit on the left and there’s another bank of pistons that sit on the right… the left and right hand sides.

As you know, the human body is also designed with a left and right hand side.  Hence it makes sense, that the same way you can time an engine up, you can time your body up.  And that’s what TriBreath does!  It helps you time your left and right hand sides up to your breath.

Now this has many advantages!  Simply because a timed engine has improved and efficient performance.  Timing an engine deals with oxygen intake, the distribution of electrical energy, and the removal of spent fuel.  Likewise with your body, using TriBreath, both your oxygen intake (inhalation) and exhaust (exhalation) can be twigged and adjusted to perform more efficiently.  But energy and light is where it’s at!

The distribution of electrical energy within your body can also be twigged to literally turn your head into a light-generator that can “literally & equally” distribute light to both sides of your body.  Right to the furthest extremities of your body, using the rhythm of your breath as the timing measure.

Let’s begin with the breath

Please note that a complete breathing cycle consists of both exhalation & inhalation!

Within the TriBreath techniques there are three (3) breathing rhythms to familiarise yourself with. 

These are the 3 Step, the 5 Step & the 7 Step.  It is how you use your inhalation and exhalation when using these three rhythms that literally balances the movement of the two sides of your body up, thus addressing structural imbalances that can occur when you walk or run for example. 

Equally and most importantly, these rhythms give you visual reference points throughout your whole body for greater respiratory function.  This improved respiratory function is not just limited to your diaphragm, lower lung & upper lung.  Even the way you use your spine and elbows contribute in the creation of a pumping respiratory system!

The 5-Step Breathing Rhythm

To begin your TriBreath journey we’re going to start with 5 Step, the second of the TriBreath breathing rhythms.

The reason being the 5 Step is the easiest to learn simply because it gives you time to exhale over the two beats or two steps.  The importance of this “time to exhale” becomes apparent when you recognise it is the exhalation that begins your breathing cycle not the inhalation.

Think of it this way… in order for your lungs to be filled they first need to be emptied.  And that’s where your diaphragm really comes into play but more on that later.

How the 5-Step works in a walking action

For this example, i’ll show you over two breathing cycles or TEN STEPS in total.

So if you’re sitting, consider standing up and make the writing on your screen bigger so you can give yourself some space to move. The best way for you to see this is for you to be walking on the spot.

  • The best starting position for walking on the spot is to lift one knee up and at the same time pull the same side elbow back and the opposite arm forward as you start your breath in.
  • Then continue as you push the arm that was pulled back forward, and as you lower your raised leg at the same time start lifting the opposite leg and pull the opposite arm back.

Repeat the process and you’re walking on the spot.

Starting your 1st breathing cycle with the RIGHT leg leading:

5 Step 1


  • As your right leg moves forward (1st step) you start your IN breath
  • As your left leg moves forward (2nd step) you’re still breathing in
  • As your right leg moves forward again (3rd step) you finish your IN breath
  • As your left leg moves forward (4th step) you start your OUT breath
  • As your right leg moves forward (5th step) you finish your OUT breath when your right foot lands on the earth


Continuing your 2nd breathing cycle on the LEFT leg:

5 Step 2


  • As your left leg moves forward (6th step) you start your IN breath
  • As your right leg moves forward (7th step) you’re still breathing in
  • As your left leg moves forward again (8th step) you finish your IN breath
  • As your right leg moves forward (9th step) you start your OUT breath
  • As your left leg moves forward (10th step) you finish your OUT breath when your right foot lands on the earth

A word about structure

Though it may not be apparent, it’s your arms that control the tempo of your legs!  Using a mirror can be helpful  so you can watch the movement of your arms and SEE your arms moving in sync with your breathing rhythm first. 

So many people get into the habit of NOT moving their arms effectively when they walk.  Get your arms happening/pumping first then bring in your legs!  Think of your arms as both an accelerator and as a respiratory pump!

Start with timing your arms up to the 5 Step breathing rhythm and then go for a walk.

Always keep in mind…

When you are walking, slow down the pace at which you walk!  Be very conscious of this!  Think breath first!

Say to yourself with your breath…

  • In, two, three, Out, two.
  • In, two, three, Out, two.

i would also suggest having a watch of The Thumbs video for the posture aspect.  Point your thumbs in the direction you’re going, breathe that air in, pumping!

Invest the time and you’ll get the results even if it is just your arms.  Tomorrow i’ll send you an exercise that uses the 5 Step to help strengthen and tone your chest, arms, shoulders and tummy… Isometric Prayer!

Either walking on the spot or when you’re out walking and you’re using the 5-Step breathing rhythm, pull into Isometric Prayer to build upon lung strength and body tone!

If you have any queries simply reply to this email and i’ll help you as best I can.

With your health & vitality in mind,

Brett Hayes









Brett Hayes
Head TriBreath Coach

Click on the links below to view videos

DAY 1: The 5 Step

DAY 2: Isometric Prayer

DAY 3: Little Breath Bigger Breath

DAY 4: The Cross

DAY 5: Posture Pose