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In Memory of Jean Greenwood
It is with deep sadness that i share the passing of the oldest of our TriBreath members, Jean Greenwood.
At the spritely age of 93, Jean was still coming to weekly classes up to a few months ago. Jean left her body on the 17 January 2019. We send our condolences to her family.
When i first met Jean and introduced her to the TriBreath techniques in the year 2004, she was 79.
From that first introduction when Jean asked if she could join the TriBreath classes, over the years Jean has shown all who were witness to her practice, just what the human body can achieve when the willingness to grow and learn is strong.
And to be quite honest, it’s one of those cases where if you didn’t see the transformation with your own eyes you would most likely find it hard to believe!
Jean showed all of us (what most would think would be near impossible) that an old body can still achieve greatness.
To see the regeneration of Jean’s body when she was already well and truly in her later years, was, and still is, a gift that i will embrace to my last breath. Jean literally showed us all that you can transform your body from what is considered a point of disintegration to a path of regeneration if you are willing! As Jean would say, “If the mind is willing, you can do it to!”
Truly, i cannot emphasise enough that the vast majority of people would not consider Jean’s physical upliftment possible!
Jean’s gift to us all apart from her humour, compassion and love, was the teaching that it’s all in the mind; in the thinking!
Once Jean found knowledge she could apply, she did it with gusto and the fruits of her labour were readily seen by all. She truly was an inspiration!
i remember when Jean was about 88, and one day two large young male body builders turned up at class to see what TriBreath™ was all about. Knowing what these guys do in the gym and what we do in the park, i walked up to these masses of muscle and very kindly said, “Please don’t take it to heart when you won’t be able to keep up with Jean!” With a laugh of disbelief and a smile, they both looked at me as if i was considerably short of brain cells.
As it would be, less than 40 minutes into the class these two young men were sitting on the bench unable to lift their arms, or their bodies for that matter and really just wanted to sit and rest.
Seeing the confusion in their eyes i explained to them that the practice of “contraction” and the practice of “extension” introduced different forces to the body and that strength and fitness has many levels. Jean was the living proof of that!
So it is with deep gratitude that i thank Jean for all her wise words, her loving thoughts, her inspiration and her faith and trust in me throughout our 15 year TriBreath journey.
In honour of Jean’s contribution showing us all what is possible, in the video below is Jean doing a 20 second walking sprint using the 5-Step when she was already in her 90’s.
When she reached her mark it was straight down to the 3-Step and Posture Pose.
Jean, you have been an inspiration to us all and we will all miss you dearly!
Thank you for sharing your life and love with me and all you touched. Forever in our hearts.
In memory of Jean Greenwood 23/03/1926 – 17/01/2019