September 1st 2021

The Rusty Osborne Podcast

When Rusty Osborne invited me on to talk about health and weight loss, as i’m usually pretty keen to have a chat i accepted the opportunity with open arms. Glad i did!


July 22nd 2021

Body Breakdown

If you’ve ever been in a car that’s broken down and you don’t know how to fix it, then you know the feeling! The worry, the angst and the stress. But what if you knew how to fix it!


July 6th 2021

OutBack Mind Podcast

In this podcast episode, Aaron Schultz (creator of the Outback Mind) and i have a chat to explore possibilities and tips that can help guide even the most stable of minds to better states of being.


June 27th 2021

Is TriBreath Like Yoga?

TriBreath tones and does something to your body that a lot of practices don’t do. You can use TriBreath in your yoga. You can use TriBreath in your pilates. You can use TriBreath in your gym.


January 17th 2020

Aging With Eyes Open

Imagine from the day you were born and grew into an adult, every human being you spoke to confirmed in your consciousness that a human’s life span is around 200. That’s right! 200 years old!


February 9th 2019

In Memory of Jean Greenwood

It is with deep sadness that i share the passing of our oldest TriBreath member, Jean Greenwood. At the spritely age of 93, Jean was still very active in her practice.


October 14th 2018

Building Lung Strength

When it comes to building lung strength up and improving your relationship you have with your breath, the effort required is not so much physical but more mental! God forbid… you’re not suggesting i have to think about how i breathe are you? The answer to that is quite simply, yes and no!


August 28th 2018

Finding the Light Within

As many know and many more are yet to discover, TriBreath™ can be used as a very potent tool to distribute self-generated light. Without going into great detail, (all is available within the TriBreath Teaching Portal) the way we go about this is to use rhythmic breathing and specific mind techniques.


September 17th 2017

Building Breath Memory

One of the biggest challenges we face when on the path of regeneration is in the practice. Practicing TriBreath when you walk and run helps you “remember to breathe” so you give your body more oxygen with less effort.