Lung Function & Your Bowel

Have you ever considered the similarities between the workings of the human body and the workings of an internal combustion engine?

Have you ever noticed that high-performance cars with big thumping engines in them have equally huge exhaust pipes?

Having spent many years under the hood of a car tuning engines as a young man and many years treating injuries sustained by people from all walks of life, once you see it, it all becomes very obvious.

A simple analogy

With regard to the similarities of an engine and the body of a human or animal, consider this…

  1. The internal combustion engine requires oxygen to burn fuels to generate energy.
  2. Likewise, the human body requires oxygen to burn fuels to generate energy.
  1. The internal combustion engine requires water for cooling and for the transportation of nutrients (i.e. petrol, diesel, aviation fuels).
  2. Likewise, the human body requires water for cooling and for the transportation of nutrients.   
  1. The internal combustion engine creates waste from the burning of fuels.
  2. Likewise, the human body creates waste from the burning of fuels.

Of course the workings of the human body are far more complex than the workings of the internal combustion engine but that aside, it certainly doesn’t negate the similarites.

Lung function

i remember as a kid the pranks that were played on people who had “erred” the youth of the suburbs.  One of the most successful pranks (with hindsight it was quite naughty) was to push potatoes up the exhaust pipe of the cars owned by the people who had ruffled the feathers so to speak of the youthful minority.

Watching the cars being towed to the mechanics was relished because no matter how much the owner of the car tried, the engine wouldn’t run smoothly if the engine started at all.  So why didn’t the engine run smoothly or let alone start?

Simply because for air to be drawn into the engine (in those days the carburetor), air has to removed from the engine and the engines path for the air to escape is the muffler.  And this is where the gold can be found when it comes to respiratory function!

Clearing the bowel

If you have ever experienced lung issues, the chances are more than likely (if not absolutely), your body has compromised digestive and bowel function.  That’s why so many lung disorders to this day are still not remedied.  Most of the time the lung disorder is simply a symptomatic response to poor waste removal (a clogged up bowel)!

Clear the bowel and lung function improves.

That’s one the main reasons why breathing using your diaphragm is so fundamental to filling your lungs up from the bottom up.  With your diaphragm being the strongest of the respiratory muscles, maintaining abdominal fitness is a prerequisite when it comes to aerobic fitness.

Yep… the old potato blocking up the exhaust pipe trick!

Brett Hayes

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach




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