Breath First… Move Second

For your greatest well-being, what should your first priority be?  Breath first or moving your body?

Why is it so important to your health and mobility to focus on your breath first and your movement second?

Well this is why!  As most people recognise, the human body is made up of organic matter, thus the body is lifeless without water, air and minerals etc..  Without the breath, the body ceases to hold form yet “the breath” on the other hand exists without the body as sure as there is the changing of the seasons and the movement of the tides.

So with this being true on a human, planetary and systemic level, why then is it common action and intention to prioritise pushing the body to achieve movement to get a quicker time or some other perceived advantage and not focus on the breath?

Surely with the knowledge the body collapses without the breath and the breath is all there is, one could easily discern this commonly practiced belief system of making the body huff and puff to getting stronger, quicker could quite possibly be flawed.

The reason behind the reasoning

Ask yourself… what is the goal of all physical exercise apart from just trying to beat time or get stronger?

The fact that stronger and quicker on many levels are great attributes to experience is true.  But when you break it down to the very “goal of fitness”, surely the rewards we hope to receive for all of our physical fitness endeavours is to live a vital life and experience great mobility until the very end of our days!  Or at least give ourselves the best odds to experience great mobility until the very end of our years!

Yet how many people do you know that have enjoyed that luxury well into their senior years who have spent their life pushing and forcing their body on both physical and mental levels?

It’s certainly not a normal occurrence to see lots of ninety plus year old humans who can still carry their weight with elegance and walk/run with springs in their step.  As humans blessed with this scenario do exist, we know the body in its design is equipped to be strong, robust and actively mobile!

Breathe first… move second!

That’s the difference with TriBreath™!

When you acquaint yourself with the TriBreath™ techniques one quickly realises that the goal in the first instance isn’t the forcing or the pushing your body.  The goal is about the TIMING!

It’s timing up of your body to your breath!

On the surface it looks like your body has two opposing sides… left and right hand sides.  Even your breath portrays this polarity approach as your breathing cycle consists of two actions; that being inhalation and exhalation.  So the immediate goal to strive for (if maintaining and creating mobility in your body is a priority) is to bring these two polar based actions up into a realm of synchronisation.  And this cannot be achieved if the approach implemented is the pushing and forcing your body into submission.  This common approach to “maintaining fitness” only magnifies the collapse process.

Breathlessness is not the answer!

If it were, there would be eighty plus year old humans who can still move with a vibrant spring in their step regularly seen in all communities around the world.

Where to begin?

The way to reacquaint your body with that spring in the step is to first and foremost, slow down your body and find the very aspect that gives your body life and lift… your breath!

Start with the ‘3-Step Breathing Rhythm’ and find the rhythm with your arms in the first instance.

In the beginning, keep your arms swinging tempo around the 2 – 3 seconds from front-to-back until you find where the strength of your exhalation sits.

Hold your exhalation for longer if you need to but conversely slow down the movement of your your arms.  All you’re doing is giving yourself time to exhale.  Once your diaphragm strength increases through correct use, your exhalation will increase in potency and get easier as with the tempo of your arms movements.

Remember your goal is to find the pendulum effect of your exhalation swapping from side-to-side with each breathing cycle.

Once you’ve found the rhythm, within the TriBreath™ members area is a video called the ‘Little Breath Bigger Breath Technique’.  From your arms you then bring your legs into it.

Keep in mind it is very advantageous to walk up a slight incline (a small hill) to place a small load on your body when you first start to equate yourself with these breathing rhythm’s.  This will give you the aerobic room so to speak to find your breath while physically moving.

When you’re ready, find some flat land and move your breath up a gear into the ‘5-Step Breathing Rhythm’.

When you’re comfortable with your breathing rhythm, bring in the ‘Breathing Points of the Spine’ (in the member area) and again focus on the movement of your arms.  Time your breath to flow with the movement of your elbows as they move backwards.

When you’re familiar with these aspects, see how pulling the air down to your sacrum instantly activates your diaphragm (the biggest respiratory muscle).

And from there your body will lift.

Any queries, let me know.

Brett Hayes

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach




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