Your Life and the Air You Breathe

There’s an old saying about how your life and why the air you breathe matters!

It’s called the “breathing atmosphere’s!”

For instance…

  1. When you stand on the mountain top and breathe in cold fresh oxygen-rich air through your nose, you are lifted.
  2. When you exhale, the warm air you breathe out carries respiratory waste out of your body and the body descends.
  3. Hence the oxygen we breathe in is related to the upper atmosphere and the carbon dioxide we breathe out is related to the lower atmosphere.

So it doesn’t make sense to make claim that higher carbon dioxide levels in the body when the body is being active… i.e. walking, running, climbing mountains, exerting oneself, is some miraculous measuring stick for fitness!

When you’re being physically active your goal is to get as much oxygen into your system to burn the fuels you have stored in your blood and muscle.

By any means you’re not going to be provided with any benefits by breathing less air in.

As Elizabeth Barrot Browning, one of our most brilliant, creative and health conscious poets of the romantic period so eloquently put it…

“He lives most life whoever breathes most air.”

When one is in active mode, the most beneficial actions you can muster and practice is breathing in rhythmic order.

When you breathe in a rhythmic manner, you’ll very quickly find that when you’re walking for example, your goal is to maintain your connection with the physical movements of your left and right hand sides and your breath, be it an IN-breath (inhalation) or an OUT-breath (exhalation).

Your breathing cycle

Remembering that each breathing cycle you take, that of inhalation and exhalation, is made up of measures (that is each step you take corresponds to an IN or an OUT-breath) that together make up a complete breathing cycle.

Likewise the same scenario if found when each arm moves forward or even better (for when you’re more practiced), when the elbows move back.

Timing each breath to your elbow moving backwards is the surest way to promote excellent posture as well.  The chin pulls in, the head lifts up from the back of the skull and the shoulders normal forward rotation is pulled back open up the chest.

The trick is to be conscious of your breath and catch yourself when you’re moving beyond your breath.

This is one of the fundamental practices of TriBreath™ when you’re first learning the breathing rhythms… to slow down your physical movement.

Diaphragm and lungsThe reason for this is to acclimatise yourself to the opening up of your lungs and allowing the release and expansion of your ribs and chest as you pull your air up from the bottom using the diaphragm in the way it was designed to work… as a pump.

The only time you do not breathe in this rhythmic fashion is when you’re being still.

In still mode (non excursion), the body quite likes to maintain higher carbon dioxide levels and less oxygen.  This carbon dioxide is stored within your lungs with the medical terminology of this stored air being called stationary air.

It is this stationary air that is stored in the lungs that helps you to “not” over breathe with the classic symptom of over breathing being experienced as dizziness and light-headedness.

The story of dizzy

It all about the utilisation of oxygen for the given task!

For instance… the normal breathing volume for the average sized human is between 4 and 7 litres of air per minute, which translates into around 12 to 14 breathing cycles again consisting of both inhalation and exhalation.

During an asthma attack for example, breathing intake can increase to 10 to 15 litres and more of air per minute.

As the body is not burning fuels for energy generation, increased oxygen intake is not required by the body .  Thus the body expels too much carbon dioxide from your lungs causing your blood vessels to constrict and panic at a cellular level sets in.

In reaction, the body attempts to breathe in more air but unfortunately the more you breathe in the less oxygen is actually delivered throughout your body and the we’re freaking out… panicking, hence the term an asthma attack.

Be like the tortoise

Know this to be true… It is slow physical movement that builds lung capacity up!

Just filling up the lungs with air is erroneous action if the physical structure of the body cannot accommodate the expansion.

That is why posture and maintaining the thumbs pointing forward is so vital for the maintenance of your lung capacity.

Whether we like it or not, the human body is designed to compress and constrict as is true of all organic matter composed of planet Earth.

By understanding this natural process and with the use of the will, you can utilise the over-riding Law of Release, thus slowing down this “compressive & constrictive natural process” to such an extent that you can maintain your mobility & flexibility of movement as you age.

  1. In the beginning start with the 3-STEP and focus on timing your breaths to first your arms, moving your arms in a 1, 2, 3, IN, IN, OUT rhythm but SLOWLY!!!
  2. Then bring in your legs and slow down your body even more.
  3. Focus on your breath!
  4. Allow the release of your upper shoulders and neck swing your arms from the shoulder as though your shoulder was only attached by a single bolt screwed into the side of your chest.

When you have your breath, start walking with a very slow pace focusing on fluid movement.

It can be very helpful to use a slight incline or a hill to help you feel and connect to your breath.

By putting your body under a small load actually helps you connect your breath up to your physical movement.  But move slowly!

When you can walk slowly using the first and most powerful breathing rhythm on the physical level, you’ll be able to move quicker than you ever thought you could as you use your breathing rhythms like you would the gears of a car.

This is all about you timing your body up to your breath!  Feel the power your body is designed to provide.

Feed it potent hydrogen-rich fuels and get that oxygen into you!

Let me know if you have any queries.

Brett Hayes

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach




This is my guarantee to you. If within 30 days of your TriBreath Membership purchase, if you can honestly say you put the effort in to time your body up to your breath, and you don’t feel more connected and more in control of your breath and your body, if you ask for a refund, it will be given!


Inside the TriBreath™ Members Teaching Portal, there you’ll find an ever updated library of video’s to help…

  • Strengthen your respiratory system.
  • Increase your lung capacity.
  • Muscle toning exercises using the TriBreath™ breathing rhythm’s that you can practice anywhere, anytime.
  • Exercises to elongate and strengthen your muscles when you’re out walking.
  • Injury and rehabilitation techniques to help keep you active and mobile.
  • Neural activation techniques to help restore, maintain and regenerate body communication.
  • Downloadable PDF’s and so much more!

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