A Pilgrimage Into Tibet

Embarking upon a pilgrimage into Tibet, i was asked by a close friend to share the TriBreath™ techniques to help prepare some of the participating peoples for the breathing challenges ahead.  And challenges there will be as they endeavour to ascend to a very big mountain called Mount Kailash.

Being a bit partial to walk the mountain path, i had a fair idea it was going to be a journey where difficulty may find them!

It was a fun afternoon as it always is when people are first introduced to TriBreath’s rhythmic breathing practices and the enhanced potential the body offers all who embrace their connection with their body, breath and neural connection.

As many avid TriBreath practitioners have said, “Mountain… what mountain! Huffing and puffing has left the building!”

Little did i know that Australian award winning film-maker Mark Gould would include a little snippet of that afternoon and some words of wisdom from me.

When all was done and dusted and from the stories told, the journey was an epic experience to say the least. The short film has won multiple awards in major film festivals around the world.

Available on Vimeo on Demand, this is their journey 🙂

Watch on Vimeo on Demand

A Pilgrimage Into Tibet – Nine ordinary people residing in Australia trek into Tibet to make the pilgrimage around Kailash Mountain for Saga Dawa, the holiest day of the Buddhist calendar.

Kailash Mountain


Needless to say, if you’re endeavouring to climb any mountains or you’re a bit partial to improving your respiratory fitness and neural response, no matter what your age for fitness levels, let me know!

Hope this finds you in good health and spirit.

Brett Hayes

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach




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