Injuries & Your Regeneration

Most of us have experienced injuries that heal.

But what about recurring injuries that haven’t and don’t fully heal?

That sore knee that stops you from walking or running!

The sore shoulder that stops you gardening or going to the gym or picking up a child for example.

What about the hip that literally stops you walking up and down hills and stairs let alone moving?

O’where, o’where is the answer to be found?

The answer to these injuries and nearly all mobility issues can be found in your skeletal structure!

Or as a lot of people would say, “I just feel out of whack!”

And they would be correct!

Because that’s why the body does collapse… because it’s out of whack!

The bones aren’t sitting in the place they’re designed to sit.

This is called body structure or body mechanics.

It is for this reason that TriBreath™ is so effective in the treatment of mobility issues.

Of course breathing is important as is the maintenance of lung capacity.

But it’s via your breath that you can literally equally distribute the physical impact experienced by your body every time you move.

Using your breath you can stimulate and vitalise your nervous system to improve neural communication.

The Science of the Triangle

Most of us are familiar with the shape called the triangle.

But did you know that under the shape we know as the human body, is a structural design whose lines-of-force are actually made up of multiple triangles supporting each other?

The design is so ingeniously put together that once you see it you can truly but look in awe at creation and at yourself!

It is for this reason you very quickly come to the realisation that there’s more to TriBreath™ than first meets the eye.

Rhythmic breathing creates an internal communication that alters the way we physically move, then think and act.

It is indeed an eye opener.

Call it realisation or simply awareness, whatever it is it’s empowering!

How to consciously use these forces

The triangle: Three points joined together by three lines of force that make a three-sided shape.

Triangle Points Lit Up

Three (3) is a power number!



  1. One (1) only knows one or oneself.
  2. Two (2) is easily divided.
  3. But three (3) is one against two or two against one or one on one on one!

From the power of the three comes the availability to consciously align the two sides of your body up from your centre out.

It is from your centre that all growth emanates from be that physical, spiritual, mental or emotional.

With the visual and healing power of the mental body, this is where we use the three TriBreath™ breathing rhythm’s, the triangle and the art of visual reflexology.

For out of all the abilities we human’s are blessed with, it is the creative imagination that is the game changer.

As the ancient wisdom states, “Whatever the mind of wo/man can perceive, can be achieved!”

The light house effect

Imagine yourself being a self-generating light force that can distribute this light force energy to any part of your body with every IN-breath and OUT-breath.

Your forehead (the pituitary gland) is the distribution centre.

It was over 20 years ago that i started using this technique to literally stitch up my back after i did a very good job of breaking it.

Cracked vertebrae, blown discs, paralysis down the right leg… OUCH!

For many months whilst lying flat on my back with my body pained and fearful of any movement, my breath, mind, body connection was very active.

Up and down the vertebrae of my spine like a zipper!

Stitching it up in my mind and gluing the connective tissue and muscle back together and within 18 months i was running again.

i wasn’t running very fast or very far, but i could walk (with a limp).

The nerve connection in my legs (in particular the right leg) was being re-vitalised.

From my conscious use of three breathing rhythm’s, my nervous system was re-integrating and re-connecting.

As the old adage states, “It’s not what is transmitted, it’s what is received that counts!”

Now in my late 50’s i can still run like a gazelle and with ease.

That’s the power of TriBreath™ and what rhythmic breathing offers all of us who embrace the potential.

With your thought being the distributor, this is where true regeneration can commence.

Regeneration from the electrical and power source, the anchor point for your consciousness the nervous system.

A recent addition

Recently uploaded within the TriBreath™ members area are video’s that will teach you how to build upon your light-force.

  1. From your feet.
  2. To your hands.
  3. To your elbows.

To feel your body’s expansion is electric!

Using the triangle and the three TriBreath™ breathing rhythm’s when you walk and run is how you practice distributing this self-generated energy.

From right to left and left to right!

This practice helps vitalise & stimulate your nervous system, restore balance and promote regeneration.

It puts you in the driver’s seat.

Both on the physical and energetic level!

You literally re-build your body’s electrical potency while strengthening your body’s respiratory response.

As some of you are already aware, this “energy technique” is similar to the Little Breath Bigger Breath technique (also inside the members area) but more polar oriented.

Just like a lighthouse shines through the darkness of night with a cyclic motion, so too does the balanced breathing rhythm you have created distribute the light from side-to-side with every IN-breath & OUT breath.

Let me know how you go.

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach



This is my guarantee to you. If within 30 days of your TriBreath™ Membership registration, if you can honestly say you put the effort in to time your body up to your breath, and you don’t feel more connected and more in control of your breath and your body, if you ask for a refund, it will be given!


Inside the TriBreath™ Members Teaching Area, there you’ll find an ever updated library of video’s to help…

  • Strengthen your breath, mind and body connection.
  • Age friendly techniques to increase and restore your lung capacity.
  • Lose weight as you focus on your oxygen intake using the TriBreath™ movements for a low-impact full body workout anywhere, anytime.
  • Enjoy the freedom to exercise, elongate and strengthen your core when you’re out walking.
  • Discover injury and rehabilitation techniques to help keep you active and mobile.
  • Increase neural activation to help restore, maintain and regenerate body communication.
  • Downloadable PDF’s and so much more!

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