How to Relieve Knee Pain

Knee Pain relief (Method 1)

Knee pain, hip pain foot pain has been associated with living and movement since time immemorial.

In years gone by (approximately 200 BC), books of healing were written that told of curing ailments with pressure by a stone.  These cures were achieved by pressing certain points on the body.  From these points the Science of Acupressure was developed.

This method of healing is of great benefit to all of us who walk and run, as the point referenced not only helps maintain the spring in the legs, it also gives relief to pain located on the inside of the knee, pain in the front of the shin bone, and sore feet.

Once the technique is practiced, the point to apply pressure on seems to just attract the tip of your elbow, as though it was designed that way.

As with all injuries that occur without any visible or recognisable form of impact, the first point of call is always going to be how you’re breathing.  The distribution of both inhalation and exhalation to both sides of your body and then bringing in specific energy awareness regarding both anatomy and body mechanics is the surest way of maintaining your mobility to the end of your days.

But for now let’s just get up and walking or running again 🙂

The technique…

1.    Sitting on the ground with both legs bent in front of you, the leg whose heel is closest to the groin is the one we will treat. If we are treating the left leg, we will use the four fingers of our left hand as our ruler. 

2.    Pull the heel in close and compress the calf muscle (the gastrocnemius) against the thigh.  See the crease made between the thigh and calf muscle that starts at the knee.  Place the four fingers at the beginning of the crease, and the edge where the index finger ends is the point where you apply your healing pressure.

 Knee Pain Method 1-1


3.     In the beginning have no concerns about accuracy when you first embark on these techniques.  The first step in any form of regeneration is to first “find the points of tension” and familiarise yourself as to where you’re holding tension.  Thus approximate is more than good enough in the beginning as it is with any endeavour, you only get good at what you practice.

Knee Pain Method 1-2


4.     Take a breath in, and gently place the tip of your left elbow on the point.

Knee Pain Method 1-3


5.     As you breathe out, using the right arm and right knee for both support and as a fulcrum, apply a firm and consistent pressure on the calf muscle and hold for ten breaths in and ten breaths out.  As you breathe in and out, focus on relaxing the back of your neck and shoulders this allowing the weight of your upper torso to help maintain the compressive pressure.

Knee Pain Method 1-4


6.     Relax and repeat three times or until one feels complete.


In short, the biggest aspect to maintain and remember is first and foremost to relax your body.  Once the thought process has connected with the physical process of relaxing your body…

  1. Hold and keep your direction of your force towards the shinbone.
  2. Don’t let the elbow slip towards the thigh or into the groove.
  3. Stay focused on maintaining just enough pressure to stay on your point.
  4. Relax your abdomen and slightly increase your pressure on the breath out.

This technique is one of many you can employ to return stability and mobility to an inflamed knee joint.

If you have any queries, let me know.

Brett Hayes

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach




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