Recurring Injuries Explained

Your body is designed to equally distribute the forces of impact to both sides of your body during movement.

Whether we are achieving this goal or not isn’t as easy to gauge by simply basing how we feel after movement and during times of rest.

The best way to see how we’re moving is to use technology.

This is why there’s been significant breakthroughs in human movement and repair on a structural level since said technology appeared.

It’s a wonderful achievement to be able to see first-hand how we’re moving and dissect each movement frame-by-frame.

There’s no doubt seeing how we move helps facilitate growth on so many levels and gives the avid observer real-time experience in which to experiment and then to express greater movement.

Then there’s the wonderful world of observing “other people” and how other people are moving.

Whether it be at the shopping centre, in the street or as people pass you by whilst you enjoy a beverage sitting at your favourite café, observing people can be considered enjoyable and fun.

But what is considered simply “entertainment” can also be a lot more and provide you with so much MORE VALUE than might otherwise be perceived.

And it all has to do with your breath!

How you breathe impacts your health and vitality on so many levels it’s ridiculous.

From the inner world (cellular respiration and pH being the biggies) to the way you move.

But more to the point it’s how your body is impacted by the “way you breathe” when you move that this post is all about.

What do i watch for when i’m watching other people move?

You’re looking for the limp and when you recognise the limp you’ll see people limping everywhere!

  1. You’ll see one arm being held close to the body and the other arm swinging.
  2. Find the arm that’s swinging and the opposite leg will display the limp.

And this is where it gets a little bit more unfortunate because the chances are that you yourself walk with a limp that you cannot see as you are not in the position of observer.

So with that said i believe (based on over 20 experience in both treating and teaching) that the answer to this imbalance is to be found in the way you breathe and “How We Walk Out of Balance”.

Hip and knee replacements… a growth industry

Moving the focus away from yourself, how many friends and family members do you know you have experienced a sore knee, hip or shoulder for no apparent cause and are still experiencing a sore knee or sore hip years later?

Look at these stats and tell me there’s no time for simple breath work!

In Australia alone, since 2003 (which was the first year the Australian National Joint Replacement Registry collected full national data – SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 2014), the number of knee replacements undertaken each year has increased.

  1. In 2013, there was a 77.2% increase in the number of knee replacements compared to 2003.
  2. In 2013, there was a 46.5% increase in the number of hip replacements compared to 2003.

i’m not saying TriBreath™ has got all the answers, but it’s most definitely the biggest one.

How you breathe either helps balance your body, or it displaces it.

With hip and knee replacements becoming so common it’s like going to the dentist (and a lot more expensive).

Mobility issues are not only being confined to the aged care industry but now to the local service providers, hence it’s pretty obvious something has to be addressed and the best way to address an issue is by first addressing the cause!

The video below – Recurring Injuries Explained, deals with the most common breathing rhythm (or what is considered “a balanced breathing rhythm”) used by people and shows how your IN-breath (inhalation) and your OUT-breath (exhalation) is generally confined to one side.

You will see…

  1. What is considered a “balanced” breathing rhythm actually causes an imbalance upon your body
  2. and what is considered an “unbalanced” breathing rhythm actually brings balance to your body.

Related video

If you get anything out of this video, i hope it’s the recognition that you can do something to restore and slow down your body’s collapse.

Just you practicing the 3 TriBreath breathing rhythm’s will have huge effects on your oxygen intake and body connection.

And you can take it a lot further for even better results!

Found inside the TriBreath™ Members area), the many techniques and movements i teach will not only re-introduce the balanced distribution of these forces/energy, it will improve your mobility, your physical abilities and your outlook on life.

Enjoy 🙂

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach



This is my guarantee to you. If within 30 days of your TriBreath™ Membership registration, if you can honestly say you put the effort in to time your body up to your breath, and you don’t feel more connected and more in control of your breath and your body, if you ask for a refund, it will be given!


Inside the TriBreath™ Members Teaching Area, there you’ll find an ever updated library of video’s to help…

  • Strengthen your breath, mind and body connection.
  • Age friendly techniques to increase and restore your lung capacity.
  • Lose weight as you focus on your oxygen intake using the TriBreath™ movements for a low-impact full body workout anywhere, anytime.
  • Enjoy the freedom to exercise, elongate and strengthen your core when you’re out walking.
  • Discover injury and rehabilitation techniques to help keep you active and mobile.
  • Increase neural activation to help restore, maintain and regenerate body communication.
  • Downloadable PDF’s and so much more!

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