Can Sunglasses Limit Your Lung Capacity?

It may be an observation created in my own mind but i believe i am seeing more and more people wearing sunglasses when they are outside exercising.  To say this has sparked a level of concern within me is an understatement to say the least.  You see, unknown to many, sunglasses may and can have a diminishing effect upon your quality of breath and ultimately your oxygen intake.

A greater issue may arise when you’re exercising simply because of the oxygen levels that are required.

How does wearing Sunglasses affect oxygen intake?

Well this may sound like wild speculation to many, but i believe that the wearing of sunglasses limits our ability to breathe freely and deeply because of optic nerve receptors.

Sunglasses shield our eyes!  This shielding i believe “breaks a connection” between us and the living organic world with the awareness of our breath included, thus the disconnection ultimately leads to “a shallow breath syndrome”.

And with every breath we don’t take, we supply less oxygen to our body’s and decrease our body’s potential to move carbon waste (carbon dioxide release) out of our body which is vital to reduction of acid waste from the body.

What is also interesting to note, is the optic nerve is the only nerve visible from external world without the use of surgery.  This may well explain the noticeable differences in the “quality & quantity” of breath when looking at and immersing oneself in nature without the use of sunglasses, as the optic nerve is not obscured by the use of “external filtration” from natures vibratory emanations.

In the video below i share my thoughts on this subject after talking to a lovely older man at the park.  It’s a classic case of how right intention with a little bit of improved action can make a difference.  When i shared this ‘optical’ technique with him, he was visibly moved by the extra oxygen he could breathe in without wearing his sunny’s.

The truth of his ways was obvious as he certainly wasn’t moving around like he was full of oxygen, mobility and spirit.  Mind you those sunglasses were well etched into his face through years of use.

Related video

Decreasing your dependence

When i first became aware that wearing sunglasses was having a negative impact on my ability to fill my lungs up with air, i started to find ways to remove this habit of wearing sunglasses out of my life and to this day i’ve never looked back.

The simple measures i started with to re-acclimatise my eyes to not wearing sunglasses were but not limited to…

  1. Looking at my fluid intake throughout the day to help maintain body hydration (the lungs are primarily made up of blood and blood is primarily made up of water).
  2. Eating more RAW fruit and vegetables (hydration and mineralisation).
  3. Building my magnesium levels up by using a colloidal Magnesium supplement (both internally and externally) and/or by focusing on foods that are high in Magnesium content (like Green leafy vegetables).
  4. Regularly bathe your body in magnesium sulphate baths (what is commonly called Epsom salts).
  5. Swimming in the ocean with eyes open when under water (salt water to cleanse).
  6. Gazing at the sun at dawn, also known as Sun Gazing – Be Careful not to damage your eyes and do your research before trying this yourself.
  7. Standing in the garden bare-footed and not wearing sunglasses whilst focusing on filling my lungs.

These steps and a few more have removed my “dependence” on wearing sunglasses even in the middle of summer when the light is at it’s brightest for over twenty years now, and i’ve never looked back!

i would encourage all who are aware of this, if it proves true to you, that the next time you’re outside, particularly with the sole intention to exercise your physical body, choose to wear a lightweight cap with a visor to protect your face and eyes from direct sunlight rather than sunglasses, and allow yourself to connect with the natural world around you.

Let me know how you go 🙂

Brett Hayes

Brett Hayes
TriBreath™ Coach




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