January 12th 2025
Getting Into The Drivers Seat
These days the big buzz word is connection. But rather than being a “buzz”, for your own growth be it physical, mental or spiritual, connection is more than just a buzz word.
READ MOREJanuary 12th 2025
These days the big buzz word is connection. But rather than being a “buzz”, for your own growth be it physical, mental or spiritual, connection is more than just a buzz word.
READ MOREJune 7th 2024
The chances are you’ve heard about chakras and energy centres. But honestly, how does knowing about specific energy centres located up and down your body, bring any benefit?
READ MORESeptember 23rd 2023
When you’re experiencing breathing difficulties, it’s true purely focusing on breathing techniques can be very beneficial if not awesome. But what if that’s not enough?
READ MOREApril 6th 2022
Have you ever heard the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Have you ever wondered why an apple was considered essential for maintaining good health?
READ MOREMarch 6th 2022
When you get good at actually “feeling” and moving deeper into the denser areas of your body that hold your body in heaviness, the lightness you feel can be quite euphoric.
READ MOREFebruary 22nd 2022
There’s more to the simple push-up In this video i share with you how by simply changing the way you breathe when doing a simple push-up, greater aerobic benefits can be received.
READ MORESeptember 1st 2021
When Rusty Osborne invited me on to talk about health and weight loss, as i’m usually pretty keen to have a chat i accepted the opportunity with open arms. Glad i did!
READ MOREAugust 8th 2021
Wall Work has one primary function… To return your skeleton to what i call Factory Default Settings (FDS). Why? It’s called pain, discomfort & restriction! If you regularly experience…
READ MOREJanuary 30th 2021
Baoding balls or Yin Yang Balls have been around for centuries. The myriad of injuries i have treated on myself using these balls as acupressure tools is too many times for me to even mention.