June 7th 2024

Activating Your Centres

The chances are you’ve heard about chakras and energy centres. But honestly, how does knowing about specific energy centres located up and down your body, bring any benefit?


January 26th 2024

Isometric Muscle Pose

Muscle Pose is an “isometric movement”, suitable for people of all ages who are looking to improve their respiratory strength and create tone and definition in their arms, chest & shoulders.


October 22nd 2023

Breath Regeneration

Using the TriBreath breathing rhythm’s you very quickly come to the realisation that there’s more to TriBreath than first meets the eye. Generating & distributing energy is one of the biggy’s.


September 1st 2021

The Rusty Osborne Podcast

When Rusty Osborne invited me on to talk about health and weight loss, as i’m usually pretty keen to have a chat i accepted the opportunity with open arms. Glad i did!


December 16th 2020

Building Lung & Digestive Health

How you use your elbows when you walk is literally the make it or break it when it comes to lung strength and digestive health, particularly as you age. Learn why your elbows matter!


August 17th 2020

A Pilgrimage Into Tibet

Embarking upon a pilgrimage into Tibet, i was asked by a close friend to share the TriBreath™ techniques to help prepare groups respiratory fitness for the breathing challenges ahead.


August 11th 2020

Masks and Exercise

A TriBreather has asked me to share my thoughts on the use of masks when they exercise. Happy to oblige! My response would be there’s two things that i would consider…


March 21st 2019

Tips for Training Children

Are there any tips for children who run that can be employed to not only maximise benefits of running but also minimise the chances of injury when running for a distance?


November 16th 2018

Move Your Arms

If you have to “remember” the days when you could skip and had a “spring” in your step, the chances are very good you don’t experience these joys of movement in your body right now. When did the simple action of walking lightly up a flight of stairs become a mission? The good news is you can say hello and reignite…