October 9th 2017

Breathe and Detox Your Way to Health

As little as it is known, it is your breath that is the biggest mover of metabolic waste from your body above all other channels of excretion. When you think detox, think of your breath to help keep the workings of your body clean!


August 18th 2017

Can Sunglasses Limit Your Lung Capacity?

What if using something for comfort & protection is actually limiting our health? With so many people using sunglasses to limit the light their eyes are exposed to every time they go outside, there are quite a few concerns to be addressed.


May 11th 2017

Improving Body Structure

Structural imbalance… can there be a greater cause of immobility? From niggling knee issues to lower back pain. One thing these hindrances all have in common to vital living is structure!


May 2nd 2017

Breath First… Move Second

When you break it down to the very “goal of fitness”, surely the rewards we hope to receive for all of our physical fitness endeavours is to live a vital life & experience great mobility!


April 22nd 2017

Your Life and the Air You Breathe

The trick is to be conscious of your breath and catch yourself when you’re moving beyond your breath. This is one of the fundamental insights you experience practicing rhythmic breathing.


February 28th 2017

Your Aging Breath

When it comes to aging and your breath, or more to the point “how well you can breathe” when you’re in your “matured” years, there’s more than a couple of reasons why focusing on “how” you breathe when you’re moving


November 3rd 2016

Give To Get Healthy

We as a body of people have been trained to believe in what could easily be called the Illustrious Power of Getting. Get fit, get healthy; yet all this getting could be erroneous.