January 10th 2019
Fitness On the Move
Have you ever considered how much time you spend sitting in a car, van or truck compared with how much time you actually invest in your practice of body fitness each day?
READ MOREJanuary 10th 2019
Have you ever considered how much time you spend sitting in a car, van or truck compared with how much time you actually invest in your practice of body fitness each day?
READ MOREOctober 14th 2018
When it comes to building lung strength up and improving your relationship you have with your breath, the effort required is not so much physical but more mental! God forbid… you’re not suggesting i have to think about how i breathe are you? The answer to that is quite simply, yes and no!
READ MORESeptember 6th 2018
Wall Work is the most restorative and regenerative practice that i’ve invested the most precious of my private properties in… my time. This practice has been very successful for me. No more broken back pain; no more migraine headaches that were recurring regularly at 2 a month if not more.
READ MORENovember 14th 2017
Have you ever considered the similarities between the workings of the human body and the workings of an internal combustion engine? Have you ever noticed that high-performance cars with big thumping engines in them have equally huge exhaust pipes? Having spent many years under the hood
READ MOREOctober 9th 2017
As little as it is known, it is your breath that is the biggest mover of metabolic waste from your body above all other channels of excretion. When you think detox, think of your breath to help keep the workings of your body clean!
READ MOREAugust 18th 2017
What if using something for comfort & protection is actually limiting our health? With so many people using sunglasses to limit the light their eyes are exposed to every time they go outside, there are quite a few concerns to be addressed.
READ MOREJune 1st 2017
In years gone by (approximately 200 BC), books of healing were written that told of curing ailments with pressure by a stone. From these points the Science of Acupressure was developed.
READ MOREMay 11th 2017
Structural imbalance… can there be a greater cause of immobility? From niggling knee issues to lower back pain. One thing these hindrances all have in common to vital living is structure!
READ MOREMarch 30th 2017
To say it is very well accepted that the lungs absorb oxygen into the blood stream from the air we breathe in is an understatement. For the lungs are more than just sac’s of air.