August 1st 2016

How to Get More Oxygen In

“How do I get more oxygen in when I’m a shallow breather?” This is a very common question i am asked when doing talks, classes or presentations. To answer and provide “useful practices”, i always refer to the three TriBreath™ breathing rhythm’s,


July 13th 2016

Step Counters – Yes or No?

The race against time and using step counters to purportedly measure the distance traveled appears to be further ingrained upon humanity but at what cost? Whether step counters and their use is the better path to walk by people who are endeavouring to improve their fitness and their relationship with their body is open to discussion.


July 7th 2016

Diaphragm Breathing

The diaphragm is thin muscle that separates the chest region from the abdominal region. And contrary to popular belief, it is the diaphragm that is the main muscle your body uses for breathing, not your lungs!


July 4th 2016

TriBreath And The Log

i’m often asked why of the three TriBreath™ breathing rhythm’s, i refer to the 3-Step as the most “physically” powerful breathing rhythm. The reason in short is this…


June 21st 2016

Better May Not Be The Best

Growth on any level is only possible if one is willing to receive. Be it growing in strength, skill, resilience, health, fitness, flexibility or ability to name a few, reception is the key!


April 28th 2016

Alternate Nasal Breathing

If increasing your awareness is attractive to you, the alternating nostril technique is a beauty particularly when you’re either walking or running & focused on your breath.


April 24th 2016

Improving Nerve Function

Many tools are available to us when we use rhythmic breathing with conscious intention. The use of the exhalation to stimulate & vitalise the nervous system is one of the big energetic ones.


February 21st 2016

Recurring Injuries Explained

With hip and knee replacements becoming so common it’s like going to the dentist (and a lot more expensive), mobility issues are not only being confined to the aged care industry.


February 15th 2016

Good Posture In 4 Seconds

The Thumbs video will teach you how to maintain an upright posture in 4 seconds. Yes that’s right… 4 seconds is all it takes for you to feel better and stronger as you walk with confidence!